Tips to Select the Right Agile Research Technology

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Agile research technology streamlines business decision making with quick-turn, repeatable consumer insights. 

This technology enables you to automate much of the setup and fieldwork, speeding up the process and keeping your research truly agile. While this could be one of the most fun steps in your agile transformation, it can also feel overwhelming. With more than 1,200 research technologies (and growing all the time), how do you determine which one(s) are best for your organization?  

Questions to Help You Choose the Right Agile Research Technology

  • Would you want a partner to guide you on this journey today (for zero to six months), tomorrow (for seven to 12 months) or in the future (for the next one to three years)? 
  • How much do you need to invest or how much are you willing to invest in technology to begin with, and then to scale in the future? 
  • What are the biggest challenges holding you back from integrating technology into your research process? 

With the answers to these questions in mind, you can begin to outline your needs. Consider who needs to use the technology and what their skill levels may be.  

Who Uses Agile Research Technology?

sago The Non-Researcher

Example roles: marketers, product managers, CX and UX managers 
Research expertise: little to none

  • Quick access to consumer feedback on their projects 
  • Reliable data without complicated setup
  • Access to different consumer segments 
sago The Researcher

Example roles: research analyst, insights manager
Research expertise:
intermediate to high

  • Quick delivery of insights to decision-makers
  • Independent setup of a variety of projects
  • Advanced audience selection

Most organizations have a combination of both types of users, perhaps leaning more toward one or the other. Once you understand who needs to use the research technology, make a list of must-have and nice-to-have features.   

Agile Research Technology Features

  • Customizable survey templates 
  • Sharing of custom templates across teams 
  • Wide variety of solutions and tools  
  • Different user settings and controls 
  • Access to quantitative and qualitative methods 
  • Flexible but reliable sample access 
  • Clear and robust reporting 

Once you have a clear picture of what your needs and wants are, evaluate providers accordingly, alongside pricing structures and support provided. Ask: 

  • Does a subscription-based or pay-as-you-go model work best for your organization?  
  • Would you want help with initial training and onboarding of your team to the research technology?  
  • Do you want ongoing support that anyone on the team can access as they need it? 

Armed with your wants and needs, your top research technology options quickly become clear. Browse the databases of research technology providers on or  Your needs today may change tomorrow, so if you can avoid changing technologies it will make the natural evolution simpler. You need a technology that grows with you, starting where you are now and adapting as you become more agile.  Considering all of this from the outset makes selecting your research technology easier and your agile research transformation more successful. 

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