Your 5-Step Formula to Implement Agile Research

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Innovative teams use agile research and methodologies to inform better business decisions. To leverage agile research as an effective performance driver, you need a strong foundation in the steps to using such powerful tools.  

In this presentation, Ryan Crawford, Vice President of Commercialization at Sago, presents his five-step formula to help you take your projects to the next level by successfully implementing agile research.  

This presentation will give you an overview of how to:   

  • Assess the research needs of your organization  
  • Get leadership buy-in for iterative, research-driven development  
  • Choose the right technology to support your team  
  • Champion the culture shift necessary for your organization to become truly agile  
  • Review your process on an ongoing basis, so it always meets your expectations 

Following the five steps mentioned in the video will help you to create a seamless and successful agile research transformation. If you prefer reading or would like more details, sign up below for your deep dive:

If you want a one-on-one consultation on how Methodify could meet your organization’s agile research needs, book a demo with our team today. 

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