Is Your Recruitment Optimized for Online Qual?

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Online Qualitative research methodologies and technologies are increasingly varied and engaging. While this allows for a depth of insights and access not previously possible, to optimize results, it is essential to consider your respondent.

A panel designed and prepared for online qual methods is paramount for quality results.

What should you be checking with your recruitment provider?
That your respondent is genuine and on target, goes without saying. You should also be assured that the same respondent is suitable for your particular online method. At Sago, this is standard. For example, with methods involving asynchronous video, pre-screening includes video pre-screening to ensure that your participant is familiar with the technology and comfortable engaging with video platforms, plus is sufficiently articulate and cooperative to share experiences meaningfully. We believe this is not just a quality driver but can be critical to the outcome and to gathering compelling video data for reporting.

Do we only recruit through our panel?
Our clients ask us to support a range of Online Qual methods (webcam groups or IDIs, online communities, mobile ethnographies, video diaries). Whether we recruit through our panel or via our diverse range of approaches, our expert team knows how to engage the right participants and properly prepare them for an optimized research experience both in the US and worldwide.

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